import numpy as np # pip install numpy ,system print( "..............................................................................................") print( " simple reaction :n*y -> products,dy/dt = -k*(y)**n , rk45 ,version 1.0 ") print( ",16/01/2023 ") print( "..............................................................................................") def rk45(f, y0, t0, t_end, h): """ Solves the ODE y'(t) = f(t, y(t)) with initial condition y(t0) = y0 using the RK45 method. """ t = t0 y = y0 solutions = [y] # all output during simulation while t < t_end: k1 = h * f(t, y) k2 = h * f(t + h/4, y + k1/4) k3 = h * f(t + 3*h/8, y + 3*k1/32 + 9*k2/32) k4 = h * f(t + 12*h/13, y + 1932*k1/2197 - 7200*k2/2197 + 7296*k3/2197) k5 = h * f(t + h, y + 439*k1/216 - 8*k2 + 3680*k3/513 - 845*k4/4104) k6 = h * f(t + h/2, y - 8*k1/27 + 2*k2 - 3544*k3/2565 + 1859*k4/4104 - 11*k5/40) y_next = y + 25*k1/216 + 1408*k3/2565 + 2197*k4/4104 - k5/5 t += h y = y_next solutions.append(y) # all output during simulation return solutions y0 = 1 # initial concentration ,see figure t0 = 0 t_end = 1 h = 0.1 k = 1 # rate reaction constant print("--------------------------------") print("reaction model : n*y-> products ") print("dy/dt =-k*y^n,n=integer,y0 @t=0 ") print("................................") def create_ode_fn(n, k): def ode_fn(t, y): return -k*y**n return ode_fn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # pip install matplotlib ,system for n in [0,1,2,3]: ode_fn = create_ode_fn(n,k) solutions = rk45(ode_fn, y0, t0, t_end, h) print("dim : solutions = ",n,len(solutions)) # Create a list of time points times = np.arange(t0, t_end+2*h, h) print("dim : times = ",n,len(times)) # Plot the solutions plt.plot(times, solutions, label='n = {}'.format(n)) print(" end : simulation > plot with n values ") # Add labels and title to graphics plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('Solution') plt.title('RK45 solutions for different n') plt.legend() plt.grid() # Show the plot output