import numpy as np print( "..............................................................................................") print( " python :x'(t)=x+y and y'(t) =2*x+y x0=1,y0=.4, solve rk2,version 1.0 ") print( ",16/01/2023 ") print( "..............................................................................................") def rk2(f, x0, y0, t0, t_end, h): """ Solves a system of two differential equations ...................................................................... x'(t) = fx(t, x(t), y(t)) = x+y y'(t) = fy(t, x(t), y(t)) = 2*x+y with initial conditions x(t0) = x0 and y(t0) = y0 using the RK2 method. The solution is returned at the time t_end with a step size of h. ....................................................................... """ t = t0 x = x0 # initial value x y = y0 # initial value y times = [t0] solutions_x = [x] # all output during simulation in list solutions_y = [y] # all output during simulation in list while t < t_end: k1x, k1y = f(t, x, y) k2x, k2y = f(t + h, x + h*k1x, y + h*k1y) x_next = x + (h/2)*(k1x + k2x) y_next = y + (h/2)*(k1y + k2y) t += h x = x_next y = y_next times.append(t) # append for values solutions_x.append(x) solutions_y.append(y) return times, solutions_x, solutions_y # differential system of equations, "see above" def f(t, x, y): fx = x+y fy = 2*x+y return fx, fy x0 = 1 # initial condition x ,@t=0 y0 = 0.4 # initial condition y ,@t=0 t0 = 0 # start of simulation t_end = 1 # final time of simulation h = 0.1 # step-value times, solutions_x, solutions_y = rk2(f, x0, y0, t0, t_end, h) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # find max values x(t),y(t) max_y = np.max(solutions_y) max_x = np.max(solutions_x) # two plot # Plot the solutions for x(t), ouput : figure1 plt.figure() plt.plot(times, solutions_x,color='green', label='x(t),x(0)=1') plt.ylim(0, max_x) plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('x(t)') plt.title('RK2 solutions for x(t)') plt.legend() # Plot the solutions for y(t),output : figure2 plt.figure() plt.plot(times, solutions_y,color='blue', label='y(t),y(0)=.4') plt.ylim(0, max_y) plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('y(t)') plt.title('RK2 solutions for y(t)') plt.legend() #one plot #------------------------------------------------------ # Plot the solutions for x(t) and y(t) on the same plot # plt.plot(times, solutions_x, label='x(t)') #plt.plot(times, solutions_y, label='y(t)') #plt.xlabel('Time') #plt.ylabel('Solution') #plt.title('RK2 solutions') #plt.legend() #--------------------------------------------------------- # Show the plots