option nolet
print "*************************************************************"
print "* input products find all elements 'reactionsystem'         *"
print "* & products representation in the reaction    version 1.0a *"
print "* [email protected],    04/03/2017                *"
print "*************************************************************"
! make list of all elements in the reaction system
print "**********************************************"
print "* first ,second,third,fourth .               *"
print "**********************************************"
print "1e)    K4Fe(CN)6   =>  input K,4,Fe,1,C,6,N,6*"
print "2e)    H2SO4       =>  input H,2,S,1,O,4     *"
print "3e)    HNO3        =>  input H,1,N,1,O,3     *"
print "4e)    KMnO4       =>  input K,1,Mn,1,O,4    *"
print "**********************************************"
! input of the above products =>
dim a$(1) ! input
dim b$(1) ! output 'display product in reaction'
np=4      ! number of products
test = 2  ! example (test = 1,input)
print " number of products                   = ";np
print " give number : input (=1),example(=2) = ";test
mat redim a$(np),b$(np)
if test =1 then
print " product ' input '     => "
for i=1 to np
    print " product(";i;" )   => "
    line input prompt " name  =  ":a$(i)
next i
end if
mat b$=a$
print " display input products => "
mat print b$
! concatenate strings (plural)
for i=1 to np-1
    call concatenate_string(a$(1),a$(i+1))
next i
!print a$(1)
! print ' string '
! print a$(1)
! find length of the string ' len command  '
element$ = a$(1)
n_string = len(element$)
!print " elements string         = ";element$
!print " length   string         = ";n_string
! find number comma's and position
dim commas(1)
call pos_commas(n_string,element$,k,commas())
!print " number of comma's       = ";k
!print "********************************"
!print " position array$ from comma's =>"
!print "********************************"
!mat print commas
dim elements$(1)
! even : 1,2,3,4
! odd  : 1,2,3,4,5
mat redim elements$(k+1)
! parse the string 'element$'
call list_elements(k,n_string,element$,commas(),elements$())
print "**********************************************"
print " list of all elements from reaction system => "
print "**********************************************"
dim index(1,2)
!find numbers in string all elements
call find_numbers_string(tel,element$,index(,))
print "string of all elements ,how much from each element =  "
print element$
dim list_el$(1)
mat redim list_el$(tel)
! remove comma's
call remove_commas(tel,index(,),element$,list_el$())
!print " all elements with duplicates => "
!mat print list_el$
print " remove all duplicates        => "
dim  result$(1)
call removes_duplicates(list_el$(),result$(),target)
mat print result$
! output display in the reaction
mat print b$
dim lengte(1),commas_prod(1),kk(1),c$(1)
mat redim lengte(np),kk(np),c$(np)
for i=1 to np
next i
dim temp1$(1)
mat redim temp1$(np)
for l=1 to np
call pos_commas(lengte(l),b$(l),kk(l),commas_prod())
temp1$(l) = b$(l)[1:commas_prod(1)-1]
for j=1 to kk(l)-1
 temp1$(l) = temp1$(l) &  b$(l)[commas_prod(j)+1:commas_prod(j+1)-1]
next j
 temp1$(l) = temp1$(l) & b$(l)[commas_prod(kk(l))+1:commas_prod(kk(l))+1]
next l
print "*******************************************"
print " output : display products for reaction => "
print "*******************************************"
mat print temp1$
dim lengte1(1)
mat redim lengte1(np)
for i=1 to np
next i
! find ones to removes
print "*******************************************"
print " removes ones from products representation "
print "*******************************************"
dim temp22$(1)
mat redim temp22$(np)
mat temp22$ = temp1$
print " before => "
mat print temp22$
for v = 1 to np
for j=1 to lengte1(v)            ! search the string
 if temp22$(v)[j:j] = "1" then
    tem$ = temp22$(v)[1:j-1] & temp22$(v)[j+1:lengte1(v)]
    temp22$(v)=tem$              ! string :changed
    lengte1(v) = lengte1(v)-1    ! length = length - 1
    tem$ = temp22$(v)            ! nothing to change
  end if
next j
next v
print " result => "
mat print temp22$

sub pos_ones(n_string,element$,k,oness())
! find position of commas in the string element$
for i=1 to n_string
  if element$[i:i] = "1" then
     mat redim oness(k)
  end if
next i
end sub

sub find_numbers_string(tel,element$,index(,))
length = len(element$) !number of symboles in the string
for n=1 to length
  symbol = ORD(element$[n:n])
  if symbol > 48 and symbol <= 56 then
    mat redim index(i,2)
    index (i,1) = symbol-48 ! number
    index (i,2) = n         ! position string from numbers
  end if
next n
tel = i     ! number of elements and number of indexes
end sub

sub remove_commas(tel,index(,),element$,list_el$())
if tel <> 1 then
    list_el$(1) = element$[1:index(1,2)-2]
for j=1 to tel-1
    list_el$(j+1) = element$[index(j,2)+2:index(j+1,2)-2]
next j
     else ! only one element H2
          list_el$(1) = element$[1:index(1,2)-2]
end if
end sub

sub removes_duplicates(el$(),result$(),target)
target = 1
for i=1 to size(el$)
  value$ = el$(i)
  find = 0   ! begin nothing to find
  for j=1 to target-1  ! first value target = 1 (nothing to do)
      if result$(j) = value$ then
         find = 1 !  find duplicates
      end if
  next j
  if find = 0 then
           result$(target)= value$
     target = target + 1
     mat redim result$(target)
  end if
next i
end sub

sub list_elements(k,n_string,element$,commas(),elements$())
! find elements from the string put them in the array
! ,elements$()
elements$(1) = element$[1:commas(1)-1]
for i=2 to k
   elements$(i) = element$[commas(i-1)+1:commas(i)-1]
next i
elements$(k+1) = element$[commas(k)+1:n_string]
end sub

sub pos_commas(n_string,element$,k,commas())
! find position of commas in the string element$
for i=1 to n_string
  if element$[i:i] = "," then
     mat redim commas(k)
  end if
next i
end sub

sub concatenate_string(result$,new$)
! combine two strings and a comma between
result$ = result$ & "," & new$
end sub