option nolet
open #1:screen 0,0.5,0,1
open #2:screen .5,1,.5,1
window #1
!title :kfcc =>(c)onditional (f)ormation(k)onstant
! Zn(NH3)4(n+) -> n=2,numner ligands = 4
!serie :analytical chemistry
!filename :kfccfinalversion1.tru
! serie:analytical chemistry
print "*********************************************"
print "*  kfcc                    'version 1.0'    *"
print "*  use: to find conditional equilibrium     *"
print "*  formation constant = kfcc                *"
print "*  kfcc = alpha4*betaL*kf ,EDTA = H(4)Y     *"
print "*********************************************"
print "*********************************************"
print "* [email protected],29/10/2016    *"
print "*********************************************"
!rem: H(4)Y,H3Y(-),H2Y(2-),HY(3-),Y(4-)
!     H(4)Y  ->  H3Y(-) +H(+)  ,ka_edta(1)
!     H3Y(-) ->  H2Y(2-)+H(+)  ,ka_edta(2)
!     H2Y(2-)->  HY(3-)+H(+)   ,ka_edta(3)
!     HY(3-) ->  Y(4-) +H(+)   ,ka_edta(4)
m=4   ! H(m)Y
m1 = 4   ! number of ligand
l  = 0.1 ! concentration of ligand
print "************"
print "* given =  *"
print "************"
print " number of ligands         = ";m1
print " concentration of ligand L = ";l;" M"
kf = 3.2*10^16       ! kf =[MY(2-)]/([M(2+)]*[Y(4-)])
!kd = dissociation constant ? we use kf
dim ka_edta(1)
mat redim ka_edta(m)
for i=1 to m
  read ka_edta(i)
next i
data 1.02E-2,2.14E-3,6.92E-7,5.50E-11
print " equilibrium formation constant (kf) = ";kf
for i= 1 to m
print " ka_edta(";i;") = ";ka_edta(i);
next i
dim kfL(1)
mat redim kfl(m1)
for i=1 to m1
 read kfL(i)
next i
print " constants for ligand formation => "
for i= 1 to m
print " kfL(";i;") = ";kfL(i);
next i
print "************"
print "* result = *"
print "************"
print "*********************************"
print " M(n+)+Y(4-) <-> MY(n-4),M=metal "
print " kf = [MY(n-4)]/([M(n+)]*[Y(4-))]"
print "*********************************"
print "******************************************"
print "*kfc = kf*alpha4=MY(n-4)/([M(n+)]*[EDTA])*"
print "******************************************"
print "******************************************"
print "*kfcc = kf*alpha4*BetaL                  *"
print "*kfcc = MY(n-4)/(C_m*C_EDTA)             *"
print "******************************************"
print " C_M    = unreacted M(n+)                 "
print " C_EDTA =[EDTA]                           "
print "******************************************"
call beta_ligand(m1,kfL(),L,betaL)
print " BetaL (Beta_ligand) = ";betaL
print "******************************************"
print " pH"," alpha4 "," kfc","kfcc"
for i1=0 to 14 step 1
 call alpha_4(ka_edta(),x,som)
print i1,som,kf*som,kf*som*betaL
next i1
window #2 ! draw graph right part of screen
! windows 2 ,subs ,for :before,by,after 'EP'
dim xp(2),yp(2)
ntx = 15! tick marks x-axis
nty = 10! tick marks y-axis
xp(1)=0   ! xmin
xp(2)=14  ! xmax
yp(1)=0   ! ymin
yp(2)=1   ! ymax
ask pixels px,py
asp_r = 1! px/py  !aspect ratio correction(rectangular window)
set window xp(1)*asp_r,xp(2)*asp_r,yp(1),yp(2)
call draw_axes(xp(1)*asp_r,xp(2)*asp_r,yp(1),yp(2),ntx,nty)
set color "black"
! info : graph,title,numbering,label axes
title$ = "graph : pH versus - alpha4 "
x_txt$ = "pH"
y_txt$ = "alpha4"
txt = 10  !  distance from right part of the window
call num_txt_axes(title$,x_txt$,y_txt$,xp(),yp(),txt)
! draw graph in the window x-axes ,y-axes(right part)
set color "red" ! color of the graph
for i1=0 to 14 step .0001
 call alpha_4(ka_edta(),x,som)
 plot points: i1,som
next i1
! statement : read -> data,formation constant
! Zn(NH3)4(2+): data kfl(1),kfl(2),kfl(3),kfl(4)
! M+L   = ML  -> kf1(1)
! ML+L  = ML2 -> kf1(2)
! ML2+L = ML3 -> kfl(3)
! ML3+L = ML4 -> kfl(4)
data 190,221.05263,247.61905,109.61538

sub beta_ligand(m,kfL(),L,betaL)
!L = [NH3],M = [Zn(2+)],Zn(2+) + NH3 = Zn(NH3)(2+)
som = 1
for j = 1 to m
prod =1
for i=1 to j
   prod = prod*kfL(i)
next i
  som = som + (l)^(j)*prod
next j
betaL = 1/som
end sub

sub alpha_4(k_edta(),h,alpha4)
! numerator
tel = 1
for i=1 to 4
tel = K_edta(i)*tel
next i
!print "tel = ";tel
! denominator
som = h^4
for j = 1 to 4
  prod = 1
  for i=1 to j
    prod = prod*k_edta(i)
  next i
!print " prod = ";prod
som = som + prod*(h)^(4-j)
next j
noem = som
! alpha4 =  numerator/denominator
alpha4 = tel/noem
end sub

sub num_txt_axes(title$,x_txt$,y_txt$,xp(),yp(),txt)
plot text,at 2,yp(2)-.1:title$
!**** range x axis  0 to xmax      *******
for i=0 to xp(2)
 plot text,at i,0.01:str$(i)
next i !,
plot text,at xp(2)-2,0.1:x_txt$
!**** range y axis  0 to ymax ************
for i=0 to yp(2)*10
 plot text,at 0.1,i/10:str$(i/10)
next i
plot text,at .5,yp(2)-0.05:y_txt$
end sub

SUB draw_axes(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,ntx,nty)
! axis :for distribution function
! see extra,website
    ! distance between tick marks on x-axis
    LET dx = (xmax - xmin)/ntx
    ! distance between tick marks on y-axis
    LET dy = (ymax - ymin)/nty
    SET WINDOW xmin ,xmax ,ymin ,ymax
    LET x0 = max(0,xmin)
    LET y0 = max(0,ymin)
    IF ymin*ymax < 0 then
       LET y0 = 0
       LET y0 = ymin
    END IF
    PLOT LINES: xmin,y0;xmax,y0   ! horizontal axis
    PLOT LINES: x0,ymin;x0,ymax   ! vertical axis
    LET tx = 0.1*dy               ! size of tick mark
    LET ty = 0.1*dx
    FOR itick = 0 to ntx
        LET x = xmin + itick*dx
        PLOT LINES: x,y0 - tx; x,y0 + tx    ! draw ticks on x axis
    next itick
    FOR itick = 0 to nty
        LET y = ymin + itick*dy
        PLOT LINES: x0 - ty,y; x0 + ty,y    ! draw ticks on y axis
    NEXT itick