option nolet
open #1:screen 0,0.5,0,1
open #2:screen .5,1,.5,1
window #1
! serie :analytical chemistry
! filename :aspectratiographdrawfinalversion1
print "*********************************************"
print "* aspectratio ,intro        'version 1.0'   *"
print "* [email protected],24/10/2016    *"
print "*********************************************"
print "************"
print "* given =  *"
print "************"
! info to display data on the graph
print "********************************************"
print "* px > py:pixels,rectangle window (px,py)  *"
print "********************************************"
s1=0.01       ! radius
z3$ = "red"   ! color 'circle'
print "***********"
print " circle => "
print "***********"
print " radius = ";s1
print " color  = ";z3$
print "*********************************************************"
print "*choose : big x_axes = 1,normal x_axes = 2,firstpart = 3*"
print "*********************************************************"
choose     = 2
print " choose     = ";choose
print "********************************"
print "*circle_typ : small = 1,big = 2*"
print "********************************"
! same = s1 ,see below
circle_typ = 2
print " circle_typ = ";circle_typ
print "*******************************"
print "* data ,(x values,y values)   *"
print "*******************************"
dim xp(2),yp(2)
tb_x = 0   ! xmin
te_x = 20  ! xmax
nt_x = 10  ! tick marks x-axis
tb_y = 1   ! ymin
te_y = 7   ! ymax
nt_y = 12  ! tick marks y-axis
ask pixels px1,py1
! info : graph,title,numbering,label axes
title$ = "graph:'x values versus y values'"
x_txt$ = "x,value"
y_txt$ = "y,value"
txt = 2  !  distance from right part of the window
!read data statement, x data = ml, y data = scm-1
dim xy(2,1)
!read x data
n=12 !  number x data = number y data
mat redim xy(2,n)
! x  data
for i=1 to n
  read xy(1,i)
next i
print " number of data = ";n
! y  data
for i=1 to n
  read xy(2,i)
next i
print " x-data = ' => "
for i=1 to n
  print xy(1,i);
next i
print " y-data = ' => "
for i=1 to n
  print xy(2,i);
next i
print "******************************"
print " number of pixels(window 1) = "
print "******************************"
print "**************************"
print " x-axis:number x-pixels = ";px1
print " y-axis:number y-pixels = ";py1
print "**************************"
window #2 ! draw graph right part of screen
ask pixels px,py
ntx = nt_x ! tick marks x-axis
nty = nt_y ! tick marks y-axis
xp(1)=tb_x   ! xmin,cm
xp(2)=te_x   ! xmax,cm
yp(1)=tb_y   ! ymin,kg
yp(2)=te_y   ! ymax,kg
if choose = 1  then
asp_r = 1    ! big x_axes   (small,big,respect)
print "window# = 2, asp_r = 1     => ";asp_r;",px = ";px;", py =";py
end if
if choose = 2  then
asp_r = px/py! normal x_axes   (small,big,respect)
print "window# = 2, asp_r = px/py => ";asp_r;",px = ";px;", py =";py
end if
if choose = 3 then
asp_r = py/px ! only first part of data(small,big,respect)
print "window# = 2, asp_r = py/px => ";asp_r;",px = ";px;", py =";py
end if
vx1 = xp(1)*asp_r
vx2 = xp(2)*asp_r
vy1 = yp(1)
vy2 = yp(2)
set window vx1,vx2,vy1,vy2
call draw_axes(vx1,vx2,vy1,vy2,ntx,nty)
set color "black"
call num_txt_axes(title$,x_txt$,y_txt$,xp(),yp(),txt,ntx,nty)
! draw graph in the window x-axes ,y-axes(right part)
set color "red" ! color of the graph
! data x,y
z3$ = "red"   ! color 'circle'
! you can change this to get circles
! draw n circles for data xy
if cirle_typ =1 then
! small circles
scale_x = (vx2-vx1)*py/px    ! small circles
scale_y = (vy2-vy1)          !*px/py
! big circles
scale_x = (vx2-vx1)          ! big circles
scale_y = (vy2-vy1)*px/py    !*px/py
end if
for i=1 to n
call smallcir_dr(s1,xy(1,i),xy(2,i),scale_x,scale_y,z3$)
flood xy(1,i),xy(2,i)   ! fill circle with color 'red'
next i
! data : x,y
! data statement, x values
data 1.2,2.8,5.2,7.4,10,11.6,12.6,14,15.4,16.2,17,18.6
! data statement, y values * 1000
data 1.123,2.234,3.451,4.123,5.213,6.231,4.233,3.256,2.656
data 2.237,1.923,1.562,0.985
!data 6.523,5.683,4.722,3.841,2.759,2.201,1.943,1.864,2.155
!data 2.336,2.493,2.822,3.351

sub smallcir_dr(s1,xf,yf,scale_x,scale_y,z3$)
x_sc = scale_x
y_sc = scale_y
set color z3$
for theta=0 to 2*3.14 step 0.0001
vpx = s1*x_sc*cos(theta)+xf
vpy = s1*y_sc*sin(theta)+yf
    plot points:vpx,vpy
next theta
end sub

sub num_txt_axes(title$,x_txt$,y_txt$,xp(),yp(),txt,ntx,nty)
 mx = xp(2)-xp(1)
 my = yp(2)-yp(1)
plot text,at xp(1)+mx/txt,yp(2)-my/(txt*txt):title$
!**** range x axis  0 to xmax      *******
for i=2 to ntx
 m1 = xp(1)+mx/ntx*(i-1)
 plot text,at m1,yp(1):str$(m1)
next i
plot text,at xp(2)-txt,yp(1)+txt/4:x_txt$
!**** range y axis  0 to ymax ************
for i=2 to nty
 m2 = yp(1)+my/nty*(i-1)
 plot text,at xp(1),m2:str$(m2)
next i
plot text,at xp(1)+txt,yp(2)-txt/4:y_txt$
end sub

SUB draw_axes(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,ntx,nty)
! axis :for distribution function
! see extra,website
    ! distance between tick marks on x-axis
    LET dx = (xmax - xmin)/ntx
    ! distance between tick marks on y-axis
    LET dy = (ymax - ymin)/nty
    SET WINDOW xmin ,xmax ,ymin ,ymax
    LET x0 = max(0,xmin)
    LET y0 = max(0,ymin)
    IF ymin*ymax < 0 then
       LET y0 = 0
       LET y0 = ymin
    END IF
    PLOT LINES: xmin,y0;xmax,y0   ! horizontal axis
    PLOT LINES: x0,ymin;x0,ymax   ! vertical axis
    LET tx = 0.1*dy               ! size of tick mark
    LET ty = 0.1*dx
    FOR itick = 0 to ntx
        LET x = xmin + itick*dx
        PLOT LINES: x,y0 - tx; x,y0 + tx    ! draw ticks on x axis
    next itick
    FOR itick = 0 to nty
        LET y = ymin + itick*dy
        PLOT LINES: x0 - ty,y; x0 + ty,y    ! draw ticks on y axis
    NEXT itick